Garage door weatherstripping

Our Garage Door Weatherstripping Services

Garage door weatherstripping plays a vital role in keeping the elements and even pests out of your garage!

Our Approach To Garage Weatherstripping Repair Services

We are absolute specialists in this area as our sister company, Upstate Pest & Wildlife Control, has been handling issues like this for years. We can and will use standard garage door weather stripping supplies, but we also have experience building and creating custom blockers, using rodent-proof garage strips, and repairing garage door columns to keep critters out!

Inspection process

All of our estimates start with a $75+tax safety inspection and diagnosis.

Why Choose Upstate Overhead Doors

At Upstate Overhead Doors, our goal is to focus on repairing and replacing overhead doors with premium quality parts with a special focus on energy efficiency and quiet operations to better serve your family and lifestyle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Weatherstripping repair can take anywhere from an hour to a full day depending on what is being done.

It usually starts at $10 per linear foot of weatherstripping and can go up to $30 per linear foot.

25-Point Safety Inspection + Garage Door Lubing

Provided with every service call at no charge.

CALL TO CLAIM Or dial 518-344-4915

Garage Door Weather Stripping Repairs

Diagnosis starting at…

Weatherstrip Replacement

Keep Critters Out of Your Garage

Only Top-Quality Work Performed

Schedule Service

Or dial 518-344-4915

For garage door weather stripping services, call 518-344-4915 today!


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5.0 Star Rating ★★★★★
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