25-Point Safety Inspection + Garage Door Lubing
Provided with every service call at no charge.
CALL TO CLAIM Or dial 518-344-4915Is your garage door starting to show wear and tear? Garage doors take up so much of our real estate and are almost always the main feature of the front of your home! Replacing an old door with a beautiful new one can be a great way to instantly modernize and improve the look of your home, not to mention the functionality of a superior working door!
At Upstate Overhead Doors, we take a design and functionality first approach to repairing or replacing your garage door. We first want to make sure that your existing door is safe and functional, and will continue to be so for years to come. If it isn’t we may recommend replacing the door as that could be more cost-effective and safer in the long term.
We almost always begin every meeting with an intense safety and quality control inspection of the door and all of its components. Often clients will call us with a very specific problem(like broken springs) and not realize that there could be several other problems that contributed to the springs breaking in the first place.
If a full replacement is needed then we are your one-stop shop for it! We can remove your old door and reinstall your new one with ease.
At Upstate Overhead Doors, our goal is to focus on repairing and replacing overhead doors with premium quality parts with a special focus on energy efficiency and quiet operations to better serve your family and lifestyle.
A repair can take under an hour, or several hours depending on the severity. A replacement will usually take multiple hours depending on the size of the doors. Give us a call at 518-344-4915 for more information.
Our diagnosis is an extremely reasonable $75+tax and most of our repairs can be performed on the spot. Door replacements depend on a variety of factors such as height, width, style of door etc.
Provided with every service call at no charge.
CALL TO CLAIM Or dial 518-344-4915Quality Control Inspection
Improve the Look of your Home
Improve Functionality
Only Top-Quality Work Performed
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